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Abstract                 Volume:3  Issue-5  Year-2016          Original Research Articles

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Online ISSN : 2349-8080
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorinchiefijcrbp@gmail.com

Ethnobotany in Relation to Health Security in District Bastar of Chhattisgarh State, India
Mithlesh Kumar Sinha1*, V. K. Kanungo2 and M. L. Naik3
1Department of Botany, Government N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
2Department of Botany, Government Nagarjuna P.G. College of Science, Raipur (C.G.), Chhattisgarh, India
3Professor and Head (Retired), SOS. in Life Science, Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University Raipur (C.G.), Chhattisgarh, India               
*Corresponding author

style="text-align: justify;">In present study ethnobotany in relation to health security was investigated in 20 villages of Bastar district. Information regarding the plants used as a medicine was collected by gathering information with the help of questionnaire and by conducting personal interview with the knowledgeable person of the villages. Four hundred tribals (twenty from each village) were selected for the collection of information through interview. The name of medicinal plant, vernacular name and its method of use against the disease were noted by making dialect in their own language. In present study documentation of 118 plants belonging to 47 families were given by the tribals of the village regarding the use against 39 types of health ailments. All the five prominent tribals of the Bastar had a great similarity regarding the use of plants as a medicine; difference was occurred in terms of drug preparation and its administration. This vital knowledge of tribal health security was documented.

Keywords: Ethnobotany, Folk healers, Indigenous knowledge, Medicinal plants, Tribal people
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How to cite this article:

Sinha, M. K., Kanungo, V. K., Naik, M. L., 2016. Ethnobotany in relation to health security in district Bastar of Chhattisgarh State.Int.J.Curr.Res.Biosci.Plantbiol. 3(5): 120-126. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcrbp.2016.305.019
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