
Abstract                 Volume:5  Issue-12  Year-2018          Original Research Articles

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Online ISSN : 2349-8080
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorinchiefijcrbp@gmail.com

Exoenzymatic Profile of Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacteria Present in Oil-Contaminated Soils
Otto Raúl Leyva Ovalle1, Norma Gabriela Rojas-Avelizapa2, Rosalía Nuñez Pastrana1, Paul Edgardo Regalado Infante1, Gabriela Cuatra Xicalhua1 and Luz Irene Rojas-Avelizapa1*
1 Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias. Universidad Veracruzana (Zona Orizaba-Córdoba) Josefa Ortíz de Domínguez S/N. Peñuela, 94945. Amatlán de los Reyes, Veracruz.
2Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada, I.P.N.  Cerro Blanco 141, Colinas del Cimatario, Querétaro 76090, Querétaro, México
*Corresponding author

The presence in oil-contaminated soils of an abundant oil-degrading indigenous microbiota, able to hydrolyze additionally a diversity of bio-polymers by secreting specific enzymes, could explain in part the efficient bioremediation generally observed when oil-polluted soils are composted with a variety of bio-organic wastes. The present study achieved in 12 oil-contaminated soils, demonstrated in all cases their unsuitable nutrient content; however, their oil-degrading bacterial counts fluctuated mainly between 106-107 c.f.u./g soil. The exoenzymatic profile studied in 100 hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria isolated from such soils, gave a percent frequency of positivity of amylases 75, lipases 73, keratinases 67, caseinases 61, elastases 36, chitinases 34, lecithinases 30, chitosanases 25, DNases 19, pectinases 15, cellulases 7 and esterases 6. Most of these isolates (90%) produced 2-5, but some can secrete until 8-10 different exoenzymes.

Keywords: Exoenzymes Oil-pollution Soil-microbiota
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How to cite this article:

Leyva Ovalle, O. R., Rojas-Avelizapa, N. G., Pastrana, R. N., Regalado Infante, P. E., Xicalhua, G. C., Rojas-Avelizapa, L. I., 2018. Exoenzymatic profile of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria present in oil-contaminated soils.Int.J.Curr.Res.Biosci.Plantbiol. 5(12): 1-9. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrbp.2018.512.001
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