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Abstract                 Volume:4  Issue-4  Year-2017          Original Research Articles

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Online ISSN : 2349-8080
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorinchiefijcrbp@gmail.com

Pedological Characterization and Fertility Evaluation of Paddy Soils of Mvumi Village, Kilosa District, Tanzania
Ikunda H. Massawe*, Balthazar M. Msanya and Filbert B. Rwehumbiza
Department of Soil and Geological Sciences, College of Agriculture, Sokoine University of Agriculture, P.O. Box 3008,  Morogoro, Tanzania
*Corresponding author

This study was conducted to characterize, classify and evaluate fertility of soils of Mvumi Village, Kilosa District, Tanzania. Representative soil profile of the colluvio-alluvial plain covering Mvumi Village was identified, dug, described and sampled using FAO Guidelines. Four samples from genetic horizons and eight surface samples from eight farms were taken for pedological characterization and soil fertility evaluation respectively. Results on pedon morphology revealed very deep and moderately well drained to somewhat poorly drained profile with very dark grey clays and granular topsoil structure over weak coarse wedge-shaped subsoil structure. The pedon was classified as Ustic Endoaquerts and Haplic Vertisols respectively in USDA Soil Taxonomy and WRB for Soil Resources. Shrinking and swelling, and pedoturbation were typical pedogenic processes. Low pedon Ca/Mg ratios indicate nutrient imbalance likely to limit uptake of Mg by plants. Very high Mg/K ratios can also lead to nutrient imbalance and toxicity. All sampled farm sites had clayey texture and pH ranging from 5.2 to 7.4. OC (0.53 - 1.75 %) was low in all sites. N (0.06 - 0.19%), P (1.54 - 5.79 mg P kg-1) and K (0.12 - 0.40 cmol (+) kg-1) were deficient whereas micronutrients were adequate in all sites except for Zn (0.35 - 1.57 mg kg-1) which was low.  CEC was rated as medium (15.2 to 21.6 cmol (+)/kg). Based on landform features and soil properties of both pedon and surface samples, soils of Mvumi were recommended for paddy rice as one of major crops. Prudent fertilizer use is deemed necessary to address possible deficiency and imbalance of some nutrient elements.

Keywords: Nutrients,Paddy soils,Pedological characterization,Soil fertility evaluation
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How to cite this article:

Massawe, I. H., Msanya, B. M., Rwehumbiza, F. B., 2017. Pedological characterization and fertility evaluation of paddy soils of Mvumi Village, Kilosa District, Tanzania.Int.J.Curr.Res.Biosci.Plantbiol. 4(4): 49-60. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrbp.2017.404.009
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