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Abstract                 Volume:4  Issue-1  Year-2017          Original Research Articles

IJCRBP is now DOI (CrossRef) registered Research Journal. The DOIs are assigned to all published IJCRBP Articles.

Online ISSN : 2349-8080
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorinchiefijcrbp@gmail.com

Molecular Cloning and Characterization Analysis of a Gene Encoding    Cup-shaped Cotyledon (CUC1) from Phoebe neurantha (Hemsl.) Gamble
Pengyu Yu, Tingting Tao, Yuemiao Wu, Yue Fei and Bo Xiao*
Phoebe Germplasm Resources Evaluation and Innovation Center of Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025, China  
*Corresponding author

Cup-shaped cotyledon (CUC) gene is a kind of border-specific gene, which is leaf edge cracking and complex leaflet development. CUC plays an important role in shoot apical meristem formation and leaf margin development in Phoebe neurantha (Hemsl.) Gamble. In this paper, a CUC gene designated as PnCUC1 was successfully cloned from P. neurantha (Hemsl.) Gamble. The full-length of PnCUC1 was 1317-bp and contained a 1008-bp open reading frame. It encoded a 335-amino-acid protein with a calculated molecular weight of about 37.8 kDa and isoelectric point of 7.04. Sequence comparison revealed PnCUC1 showed extensive homology with CUCs from other plant species. Phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that PnCUC1 were high similar to previously described CUC1 proteins from other plant species and shared the same ancestor in evolution with other CUCs, indicating that PnCUC1 belonged to a multi-gene family. The cloning and characterization of PnCUC1 gene will be helpful to further study the role of PnCUC1 gene in the regulation of leaf margin and braches development in P. neurantha (Hemsl.) Gamble.

Keywords: Leaf development,Phoebe neurantha (Hemsl.) Gamble,PnCUC1
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How to cite this article:

Yu, P., Tao, T., Wu, Y., Fei, Y., Xiao, B., 2017. Molecular cloning and characterization analysis of a gene encoding cup-shaped cotyledon (CUC1) from Phoebe neurantha (Hemsl.) Gamble.Int.J.Curr.Res.Biosci.Plantbiol. 4(1): 6-12. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcrbp.2017.401.002
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